The section of the website is dedicated to five photos that were selected to refect my memories of the trip. This is, essentially, a short diary of my reading week experinces in the fall of 2024.
October 16 2024- 2:19 PM
This image was taken when I was conduting a root extraction for one of the sites that my classmates and I (go team Jurassic!) were taking samples of. This sampling technique was one of my favorite activites that I partooke that day. I drilled deep into 5 different plots until I hit bedrock its aim was to collect the various roots that live in the plot. The spoon gave ✨ personality ✨ to the asthetic of this photo. It also reminded me how hard it could be to drill into the dirt-and how I had to get my hands dirty to get results.
October 16 2024- 7:51 PM
This image was taken during our astronomy night at the Blue Water observatory. Our class visited the observatory so that we could observe the nights sky without the imparement of light pollution. It was super frosty that night, and you could feel the dew on the grass from the extreme temparture change- but none of that mattered because it was the night of the !!SUPER MOON!! It was a beautiful sight and I have various other photos that emphasize that sight- but this one was chosen because I adore how the angle shines on the blades of grass, and it seemed that sunlight was illuminating the grass. It was a beautiful night.
October 16 2024- 8:35 pm
This image was taken by one of my classmates. This photo is of Comet A3 which passes by once every 80,000 years! Naturally, I had to include this in my blog because it is a wonderful photo of a once in a life-time view! It was wonderful to experince and was well worth the potential frostbite. This comet was the last thing we saw while visiting the observatory and was a complete surprise for us! The night had been relatively foggy- so when the sky opened up as we began to leave, it was a true blessing.
October 17 2024- 2:27 pm
When I was a kid, one of my longest dreams was to become an archaeologist, idolizing Indiana Jones. As I get older, I found myself unable to achieve that dream.... that being said, it did not mean my excitement about finding fossils was burnt out. So when I was on Tobermory beach, bored out of my goard, I decided find rocks with little cracks in them, and break them to find fossils. After 45 minutes of consistant break (and hearing my classmate Junaid doubt that I could find one), I found my fossil. It was the probably the coolest thing I have ever found- and was made even cooler when the professor confirmed my suspicions and it was a fossil! It was pretty dope
October 18 2024- 11:35 am
My last photo was one taken while we were on our trip back to Toronto. Our class stopped by Sauble Beach as a little side trip to conclude our week away from the city. It was here that we explored the beach, the small town, and our last moments of unpolluted (in comparison to Toronto) air. But what caught my eye was this disposable cup that I got from Amicis Coffee Bar. The cup that I bought is, supposedly, 100% compostable. The pamphlet at the front of the counter, which is the photo displayed here, features a wackload of facts reagrding the cup that they served their products in. As a person who majors in Sustainable Environmental Management, this product intrigued me. It was something that I wanted to conduct more research on- especially since I work in a catering company and the issue of sustainablity often comes up.
That is everything I would like to briefly explain about my research trip and some highlights. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day!!!!